The Moon In Blood

Although the Moon does not have its light, it illuminates our night sky; in certain events, with a coppery or reddish appearance; for this reason, the people call it "Blood Moon."

The Moon itself does not change color or size. Its position concerning the Sun and the Earth causes appearance changes. Movements that lead the Moon to have a different color on brightness; also can make it appear larger than usual in our night sky.

The red glow that gives it its name can refer to another type of environmental effect, where the Moon appears reddish due to dust, smoke, or haze in the sky; completely different situations.

Image 1: The Moon turns reddish tones, hence its famous name.Image 1: The Moon turns reddish tones, hence its famous name.

Mechanism of the Blood Moon

Blood Moons occur during a total lunar eclipse. During a total lunar eclipse, the Earth stands between the Sun and the full Moon, cutting off the light supply from Sun. When this happens, the Moon may reflect a reddish glow instead of the dark as complete.

This phenomenon is called "Rayleigh scattering," it is a common effect and is the cause of colorful sunrises and is the fact that makes the sky looks blue.

A Full Moon occurs when the Sun fully illuminates the side of the Moon that is facing the Earth. However, other types of unusual full Moon also exist, including blood moons, super moons, blue moons, harvest moons, among others.

Different gases, water droplets, and dust particles compose the layer of air that surrounds our planet. Sunlight enters, and these particles scatter it in different directions. The light is "filtered" and manages to pass the reddish color, although it can also acquire other surprising shades of colors.

Veteran eclipse watchers will tell you that if you look very carefully at the beginning and just before the end of totality, you may detect a light blue or turquoise band on the face of the Moon. It occurs because the Earth's ozone layer scatters red light and lets through some of the blue light that otherwise filters through other layers of the atmosphere.

Image 2: Other colors also occur in the course of this event. Note the Blue, Yellow, Brown, Red.

When it happens

Blood moons occur approximately twice a year. Depending on the person's location, it gives a different angle and position. It is possible that the Moon does not appear red or that you cannot see it; however, it can vary. For example, the Blood Moon on July 27, 2018, was not visible from North America.

The next total lunar eclipse, or "blood moon," will occur May 26, 2021; and it will be at least partially visible from eastern Asia, Australia, the Pacific Ocean, and much of the Americas. It will be visible from 11:11 to 11:25 UTC, approximately 14 minutes long.

Other additional dates: go forward to 2022, May 15-16 and November 8; 2025, March 13-14, and September 7-8.

Other interesting facts

Blood moons are beautiful and exciting, a surprising event to watch. But they are not the product of superstition and witchcraft, as popular culture has spread. If anyone ever wonders what is happening during the Blood Moon, you can tell them that a total lunar eclipse is occurring.

The Moon turns red in a similar way to the same kind of reddish glow from our sunrises and sunsets that same. The cause of the red coloration is simply the way the light is scattered and how we see it as humans.

However, although the May "Blood Moon" is the only one in 2021, there is another similar type of lunar eclipse on November 18. A partial lunar eclipse will be visible from North and South America, Australia, some parts of Europe, and Asia.

It's almost a "Blood Moon" total lunar eclipse. This event is known as the "Half-Blood Beaver Moon," a particularly partial lunar eclipse, much longer-lasting 3 hours and 28 minutes.

Image 3: A partial lunar eclipse; is known for giving a peculiar red tone.Image 3: Partial lunar eclipse on July 16, 2019.

Recently, on September 30, 2020, another strange reddish color occurred on the Moon, this time caused by environmental pollution. The effect occurred when wildfires hit the western United States. "[The Moon] appeared orange this morning due to smoke in the upper atmosphere from the California fires." Dylan Robichaud, a meteorologist in Eugene, Oregon.

The cause of this is the same as the "Blood Moon," caused by the scattering of light, but this time involves the harmful chemicals of environmental pollution.

Image 4: Excessive pollution obstructs the moonlight, giving another color to the moon.Image 4: Excessive pollution obstructs the moonlight, giving another color to the moon.


  • The Nine Planets. What Causes a Blood Moon?. Space Questions. Link
  • NASA. Supermoon, Blood Moon, Blue Moon, and Harvest Moon. September 30, 2019. Link
  • Time And Date. Aparna Kher. Why Does the Moon Turn Red?. Lunar Eclipses. Link
  • Forbes. Jamie Carter. ‘Blood Moon’ 2021: How, When, And Where To See A Spooky Red Moon Eclipse This Year With Your Naked Eyes. Feb 13, 2021,10:00pm EST. Link
  • FOX26. Stephanie Weaver. Blood red moon: Wildfires cause the moon to glow red over California. Published October 5, 2020. Link


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